Outside window shot pete

Noises Off

It’s that time again. Time to start filming this thing! We did just that last Friday October 6th at B-Side Tavern in lovely SE Portland.

The proprietor of this fine drinking establishment was kind enough to lend us some space in her bar to film some of our interviews. She’s AWESOME TANYA!!

We originally aimed for three Fridays but time and some other factors like Crashfest at the Bosa Nova. This meant we had to temper our expectations and bring that number down to two Friday interviews.

Whats coming up?????

far shot interview

That’s 6 interviews with real people, two Fridays, and maybe an exclusive booth interview with Awesome Tanya herself? I’m sure everyone would love to hear just some of the stories this woman has. Being a business owner in Portland for over 20 years I bet she’s seen it all!!!

We have the other Friday coming up. That’s right this Friday the 13th we will be filming the last three interviews we’ll be doing at this location.

After these interviews we will be conduction zoom interviews from people all over the world or as far as the state of Maine and Portland B, or Extremely Eastern Portland

Where do we go from here???

When we conclude the Zooms well set up the last round of live interviews for this project. Well try for 3 0r 4 interviews at this location and then that’s it, off to the editing hole I go!

We want to thank everyone who came out to support us and check out what we got going on and maybe have a beer or two at Portland’s best PUNK BAR.

This project is really coming along and the more stuff I have to edit it easier to bring these stories into focus for all of us to enjoy and ponder just what the hell were we doing back then!!!

See you after the next shoot!!!!